Nanuk Narratives is an Inuit-led series of short documentary films that explores the deep and enduring relationship among Inuit and the polar bears in the Davis Strait subpopulation range. The series highlights an diversity of lived experiences with polar bears, including long-time polar bear hunters, Elders, cooks, and youth across Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Greenland.
This online event is part of the official release of the Nanuk Narratives series, and so a variety of short films will be shared about topics such as Inuit observations of bear abundance and health, human-bear encounters and safety, the cultural and emotional connections to bears, and Inuit recommendations for polar bear stewardship.
As a wildlife co-management-led film production, this initiative represents a unique collaboration among the Torngat Wildlife & Plants Co-Management Board, the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board, the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, as well as the Anguvigaq in Nunavik, and the Pangnirtung Hunters and Trappers Organization. This event will hear directly from the wildlife co-management leaders, filmmakers, researchers, and community partners behind this initiative.