Voie de Transformation 4 du projet de recherche Ărramăt

University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (FTX 202) 57 Louis-Pasteur Private Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

La Faculté de Droit, la Voie de Transformation 4 du projet de recherche Ărramăt et le Centre de droit de l’environnement vous invitent à une table ronde pour vous présenter ce projet mondial sur la santé et le bien-être de tous grâce à une conservation dirigée par les autochtones, financé par le Fonds nouvelles frontières […]


Ărramăt Indigenous Research Webinar Series: Promoting Intersectional Dialogues on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

Join Arramat Pathway T4 Co-Lead Amaranta Gómez Regalado as she discusses the significance of intersectional dialogues in creating equality, diversity, and inclusion, drawing on her extensive experience as a social anthropologist and activist. Topic: Ărramăt Indigenous Research Webinar Series: Promoting Intersectional Dialogues on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Time: Oct 3, 2024 09:00 AM Edmonton Join […]

Ărramăt Indigenous Research Webinar Series: International Advocacy

Featuring Arramat Co-Principal Investigator Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine and Executive Director James Knibb-Lamouche, this session will introduce upcoming Arramat events and project protocols for sharing Indigenous-led Place-based Projects (ILPBPs) and the Transformational Pathway of the Arramat Synthesis Project results. Topic: Ărramăt Indigenous Research Webinar Series: International Advocacy Time: Oct 11, 2024 09:00 AM Edmonton Join Zoom […]

World Food Forum 2024

Food & Agricultural Organization Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy

Ărramăt Indigenous Research Webinar Series: Walking Methodology

Join Arramat Co-Applicants Wasiq Silan and Yih-Ren Lin as they introduce the "walking methodology," a participatory action research approach rooted in land relations among the Tayal in Taiwan. This methodology carves out space for the co-production of Tayal ways of knowing and revitalizes their lifeworld around millets, addressing the fundamental impacts of climate change in […]