Private Ărramăt Videos – Members Only
Dear members of the Ărramăt team,
Since the proposal submission, we have been working to make parts of the Ărramăt website public. We now have a public-facing version of the website, with the ability for private members to log in to view all of the other content. If you’re reading this, it is probably because you’re a member, and have access to everything on the Ărramăt site!
In order to protect the privacy of our members, we have removed the question periods in both the English and Spanish translations of the public webinars. You will still be able to access all the full versions of the webinars by clicking the links below.
For a full list of all the available Private Webinars: Click Here!
For a full list of all the available Public Webinars: Click Here!
For a full list of all the available Private Meetings: Click Here!
There is also an archive of all the webinars on the University of Alberta eClass: if you wish to view the webinars there, but do not have access please let us know.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you are having issues accessing any of the private videos or if you are having issues with the Ărramăt site in general. If you are, please contact Abby D’Souza at or Tracy Howlett at
Thank you so much for your continued support and guidance.
The Ărramăt Team
Featured Image: Vice Chief Joe Tsannie, Hatchet Lake, Saskatchewan