Celebrating Our Success!
We are excited and pleased to announce (internally) that the Ărramăt Project has been granted the New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation Stream! All of our hard work over the past year has been recognized – congratulations to us! We wanted to express our gratitude to every single one of you who has helped us reach this point.
On September 3, 2021, we hosted two All-Partners meetings where our Co-PIs shared their Jury Presentation, as well as facilitated a discussion about the next steps. If you missed the All-Partners Meetings, please feel free to watch the recordings below to catch up on the discussion and celebration! There will be many more opportunities to connect as we start the administrative work of setting up our grant and working agreements.
Ărramăt – All Partners Update English AM
Ărramăt – All Partners Update English PM
Please remember that the announcement of our project funding is under embargo. This means that we are not yet able to speak about the project in relation to the funding agency publically. Keep this in mind as you talk about the project within your network. We do not yet have a date for the formal announcement but it will not likely come before mid-October. We will not be changing language in the website or posting to our social media accounts until after the announcement has been made.
Call for Website Photos:
Now that we are funded, we are hoping to add more images from our Team and projects! Throughout the website, we have many images that showcase the amazing global research conducted by our partners. However, there is some stock footage that we would like to replace. If you have any images that you think will be a great addition to our website – please email them to info@arramatproject.org and be sure to tell us who took them and how you’d like them attributed.
As always, if you have any questions or are in need of more information, please contact Tracy Howlett (thowlett@ualberta.ca) or Abby D’Souza (dsouza@ualberta.ca)!